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Rzeszowski Dom Aukcyjny star_border
Sessione 1 , 11 Novembre 15:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 711
Banknoty zagraniczne 18
Ancient coins 27
Middle ages 2
Collection of silver russian coins 98
Foreign coins 264
World medals 12
Strzelby 5
Orders, Decorations, Badges, Militaria 25
Jewellery 55
Varia and accesories 8
Second Polish Republic (1918-1939) 77
Free City of Gdansk (1920-1939) 18
Polish coins between 1939 and 1945 6
Polish People's Republic (1945-1989) 49
III Republic since 1989 47
Sessione 2 , 12 Novembre 10:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 1 107
Publications, Books, Literature 30
Banknoty Polskie 288
Coins of countries historically associated with Poland 80
Polish coins 387
Partitions of Poland 125
Kolekcja medali pomorskich 14
Polish Medals 25
Poland until 1795 4
XIXth-century Poland and the Second Republic 17
Polish PRL and the Third Polish Republic 4
Patriotic jewellery 34
Poland badges 124
Monete, medaglie e banconote

15 Asta Polish Medals | Polish PRL and the Third Polish Republic

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